Making it easier for you at the hardest times.

A death has occurred.

We’ll help guide you through the process of making arrangements.

I want to plan ahead.

Make arrangements in advance 
so your loved ones don’t have to.

A death has occurred.

We’ll help guide you through the process of making arrangements.

I want to plan ahead.

Make arrangements in advance 
so your loved ones don’t have to.

Serving Ontario’s Golden Horseshoe and GTHA

Simple Burial Packages
From $2,411.00

We provide dignified care for the deceased, transportation from the place of death to our facility where the deceased is placed in a basic Burial Container and then transferred to the Cemetery at which you have arranged for the burial. We obtain the Medical Certificate of Death from the attending Physician or Coroner, then we register the death with the Province of Ontario and arrange for the issue of a Burial Permit to be delivered to the Cemetery. We also assist you with CPP applications for a Death Benefit of up to $2500 and we provide you with Proof of Death Certificates to settle the Estate.

Be with your loved ones at a time that matters most.

Simply follow these 3 steps.

Select the Simple Burial Package and review merchandise options. Purchase with credit card, PayPal, E transfer or payment plan.

Provide vital statistical information for Registration of the Death with the Province of Ontario and the issue of Burial Permit for the Cemetery

Electronically sign the completed Documentation we send to you and return documents by Email.

Simple. Transparent. Easier.

Our Simple Burial Package offers simplicity and value. The online arrangement process is less stressful and permits you the time to focus on what’s really important. Celebrating a Remarkable Life is always special. In addition to our Simple Burial Package, you may be interested in arranging a Celebration of Life, a religious service or a virtual gathering of friends and family for your loved one. We can help make this easier too!

Unsure what to do after Burial? We can guide you through settling the Estate.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the process of closing your loved one’s estate? We can help you by starting with a simple checklist to keep everything you need to do simple – or we can help with taking care of the administration of the estate.

Help is a click away.

We’re here to make it easier for you and your family. 
How little or how much help you require is completely up to you.

Please download our free Funeral Resource Guide

• What To Do Next: Step by Step Guide
• Funeral Planning Checklist
• Funeral Planning Form
• Service Personalization Worksheet

A death has occurred

We’ll help guide you through the process of making arrangements.

I want to plan ahead

Make arrangements in advance so your loved one’s don’t have to.